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Who We Are

SPEKS Environmental & Engineering Consult Limited is a private company established in Accra, Ghana in November 2019.  SPEKS Environmental & Engineering Consult Limited provides services such as Environmental consultancy, laboratory designing and analysis, sales, installation and maintenance of analytical instruments, occupational health and safety consultancy, and other engineering services to the West Africa sub-region.

The company is made up of experts in the energy industry, pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage industry, mining industry, etc


  • To be the leading and most reliable environmental consultancy agency in Ghana and West Africa and offer total solutions to meet our clients´ needs.
  • To be the leading and most trusted supplier of analytical instruments and environmental monitoring devices in Ghana and other West African countries.


  • To bring professional environmental consultancy services to the client and provide solutions to environmental problems.
  • To supply, install, and maintenance of high-quality laboratory equipment to clients and also offer application support.
  • To serve clients better by helping them tackle their most complex problems and achieve goals.



  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Accountability
  • Trust
  • Commitment

Do you need any of our Services?

Bringing professional environmental consultancy services and solutions problems

We supply, install and maintain high quality laboratory equipment offer application & support